3 Most Famous Tuning Methods
Actually engine remapping and re-programing have become very popular among people and now drivers prefer to customize their vehicle by adding all these remapping chips that will make their vehicle work more efficiently. Though there are some disadvantages of this type of ECU remapping but they are minor that’s why people normally ignore that. This process of remapping is known as chipping, and in this method you only swap the microchip that is present in the Electronic Control Unit of your car and convert it in a modified version. Actually through this type of vehicle remap you can easily replace the default software which is present on the ECU system of your vehicle by manufacturers, presently engineers are working to overwrite it with latest software that could be programmed in a way that it will optimize the overall performance of the car. Here in this article we are discussing about most famous chip tuning solutions that you could opt for:
1) EEPROM BLAZE (primary stage of ECU remapping)
Chip tuning is known as the most advanced definition of ECU Remapping in the present day. Basically for doing the chip tuning you have to remove the Eprom part from the ECU system and after that new software is programmed into its chip that is present on the bench. The software present inside the chip is actually stated to as remapping, just like altering the typical software already present within a chip. Presently engineers are working to make this invention the permanent feature of every car.
2) INSTALLATION of CHIP (initial piggyback tuning)
Actually chip installation is the first piggyback tuning system that was introduced. It usually involves installation of a 3rd party solo chip right on the circuit board that is present inside the ECU. This work can by done by anyone whether he is experienced mechanic or a car owner. For this you only have to remove the original chip that is present on the circuit board and simply replace it with a 3rd party chip that will give you some different functionality.
3) BOX TUNING (latest model of piggyback tuning)
Basically tuning boxes is considered to be the advanced form of piggy-back solution but people normally don’t know which modified parameters this solution will give you and how. By installing these tuning boxes you will get some configurable boxes and it will allow you to control the fuel rail pressure and sometimes it allow you to boost it that’s all you will get. There are not so many benefits of this late model of piggyback that’s why its not that much popular. Here we are explaining some advantages it have:
ECU tuning box remapping is completely customizable, and you can choose between the options according to your likes or dislikes. You can have as many remaps as you want there is no restriction. So if you are more interested in driving your vehicle on different terrains and driving conditions than this type of ECU remapping will be considered best option for you. and it will also help you to improve responsiveness and regulation of engine. Which in return will increase the effectiveness of the overall vehicle’s performance.